Shipping policy

The shipping fee varies depending on the shipping destination and the number of items you purchase. You can check the estimated shipping fee by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, entering your email address and shipping address. The exact shipping fee will be automatically updated and displayed on the checkout page.

Where do we deliver?

We provide Worldwide shipping.

How long will it takes for the buyer to receive their order?

The actual shipping time and delivery date may vary depending on the local postal service in your area.

Economy Shipping time below:

Economy $50.00 and up 5 to 8 business days   Free
Economy 0lb–5lb 5 to 8 business days
Economy 5lb–70lb 5 to 8 business days


Standard Shipping time below:

On average, orders usually ship after 1-7 business days from the date the production started.

  • US orders may arrive approximately 3-10 business days after being shipped.

  • Standard     0lb–1lb    3 to 4 business days     $6.90 USD
    Standard     1lb–5lb    3 to 4 business days     $9.90 USD

  • International orders may arrive in your country 1-3 weeks after being shipped.